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Xin, X., B. Liu, K. Di, Z. Zhu, Z. Zhao, J. Liu, Z. Yue, G. Zhang, 2017. Monitoring urban expansion using time series
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张鼎凯,刘召芹,邸凯昌,岳宗玉,刘峰,芶盛, 2016. 基于OMEGA影像火星北极冰盖季节性变化监测, 国土资源遥感,28(2): 99-105.

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岳宗玉,邸凯昌,刘召芹,胡文敏,芶盛,2014. 撞击坑数值模拟中状态方程替代原则及误差分析,地学前缘,21(6):204-211.

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彭嫚,万文辉,吴凯,刘召芹,李力,邸凯昌,李立春,苗毅,詹磊,2014. 嫦娥三号导航相机测图能力分析及地形重建,遥感学报,

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彭嫚,邸凯昌,刘召芹, 2014. 基于自适应马尔科夫随机场的深空探测影像密集匹配 ,遥感学报,18(1):77-89.

孙喜亮, 刘召芹, 刘斌, 邸凯昌, 张明华, 2013. 资源三号数据在重力中区地形改正中的应用,物探与化探, 37(5): 822-826.

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胡文敏,邸凯昌,岳宗玉,刘召芹,2013. 嫦娥一号激光高度计数据交叉点分析与平差处理,测绘学报,42(2):218-224.

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Di, K., Z. Liu, W. Wan, S. Gou, T. Yu, J. Wang, L. Li, C. Liu, B. Liu, M. Peng, Y. Wang, Z. Yue, X. He, S. Liu, 2022. APPLICATIONS
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Wang, J., T. Yu, K. Di, S. Gou, Z. Yue, M. Peng, W. Wan, Z. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Wang, Z. Rong, X. He, Y. You, F. Wu, Q. Zou, X. Liu,
    2020. Control and on-Board Calibration Method for in-Situ Detection Using the Visible and Near-Infrared Imaging
    Spectrometer on the Yutu-2 Rove
, Chinese Conference on Image and Graphics Technologies. Springer, Singapore,
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Wang, Y., M. Peng, Z. Liu, W. Wan, K. Di, C. Hu, L. Liu, T. Lv, C. Yang, 2020. Binocular visual environment perception
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Ye, L., M. Peng, K. Di, B. Liu, Y. Wang, 2020. Lunar terrain reconstruction from multi-view LROC NAC images based on
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Wang, R., K. Di, W. Wan, Z. Liu, Y. Wang, W. Liang, Y. Wang, X. Chen, S. Zhi, 2020. Topographic mapping and analysis
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Wan, W., Z. Liu, Y. Wang, M. Peng, K. Di, C. Liu, L. Li, J. Wang, T. Yu, R. Wang, Z. Bo, 2020. Topographic mapping
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Peng, M., W. Wan, Z. Liu, Y. Wang, K. Di, 2020. Evaluation of deblocking methods for Chang’e-4 descent images,
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Bo, Z., W. Wan, C. Liu, K. Di, Z. Liu, M. Peng, Y. Wang, 2020. Coaxiality calculation method for dropping operation
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Di, K., J. Oberst, I. Karachevtseva, B. Wu, 2020. Topographic mapping of the moon in the 21st century: From
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Yu, T., Z. Liu, Z. Rong, Y. Wang, J. Wang, S. Gou, L. Li, W. Wan, X. He, K. Di, R. Ke, K. Zhang, Y. You, 2020.
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, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B3-2020, PP. 1191–1197.

Wang, J., J. Li, S. Wang, T. Yu, Z. Rong, X. He, Y. You, Q. Zou, W. Wan, Y. Wang, S. Gou, B. Liu, M. Peng, K. Di,
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Wang, Y., M. Peng, K. Di, W. Wan, Z. Liu, Z. Yue, Y. Xing, X. Mao, B. Teng, 2019. Vision based obstacle detection
    using rover stereo images
, ISPRS Geospatial Week 2019 – GSW2019, "International workshop on Planetary Remote
    Sensing and Mapping", 10-14 June, Enschede, The Netherlands, PP. 1471-1477.

Wan, W., Z. Liu, B. Liu, K. Di, J. Wang, C. Liu, T. Yu, Y. Miao, M. Peng, Y. Wang, S. Gou, 2019. Descent trajectory
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, ISPRS Geospatial Week 2019 – GSW2019, "International
    workshop on Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping", 10-14 June, Enschede, The Netherlands, PP. 1457-1461.

Peng, M., Y. Wang, Z. Yue, K. Di, 2019. Automated detection of lunar ridges based on DEM data, ISPRS Geospatial Week
    2019 – GSW2019, "International workshop on Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping", 10-14 June, Enschede, The
    Netherlands, PP. 1431-1435.

Liu, B., S. Niu, X. Xin, M. Jia, K. Di, Z. Liu, M. Peng, Z. Yue, 2019. High precision DTM and DOM generating using
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, ISPRS Geospatial Week 2019 – GSW2019, "International
    workshop on Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping", 10-14 June, Enschede, The Netherlands, PP. 1413-1417.

Di, K., Z. Liu, B. Liu, W. Wan, M. Peng, J. Li, J. Xie, M. Jia, S. Niu, X. Xin, L. Li, J. Wang, Z. Yue, S. Gou,
    Y. Wang, R. Wang, J. Liu, Z. Bo, C. Liu, T. Yu, L. Xi, Y. Miao, 2019. Topographic analysis of Chang’e-4 landing
    site using orbital, descent and ground data
, ISPRS Geospatial Week 2019 – GSW2019, "International workshop on
    Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping", 10-14 June, Enschede, The Netherlands, PP. 1383-1387.

Peng, M., W. Wan, Y. Xing, Y. Wang, Z. Liu, K. Di, Q. Zhao, B. Teng, X. Mao, 2018. Integrating depth and
    image sequences for planetary rover mapping using RGB-D sensor
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Di, K., M. Jia, X. Xin, B. Liu, Z. Liu, M. Peng, Z. Yue, 2018. High resolution seamless DOM generation over
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, 2018 ISPRS TC III Mid-term Symposium "Developments,
    Technologies and Applications in Remote Sensing", 7-10 May, Beijing, China, PP. 271-276.

A. NaB, K. Di, S. Elgner, S. van Gasselt, T. Hare, H. Hargitai, I. Karachevtseva, E. Kersten, N. Manaud, T. Roatsch,
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, 2017 International Symposium on Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping, 13-16 August, Hong
    Kong, China, PP. 105-112.

Yue, Z., S. Gou, G. Michael, K. Di, H. Xie, H. Gong, Y. Shao, 2017. An investigation of the hyporheses for formation
    of the platy-ridged-polygonized terrain in elysium planitia, Mars
, 2017 International Symposium on Planetary
    Remote Sensing and Mapping, 13-16 August, Hong Kong, China, PP. 205-211.

Wan, W., M. Peng, Y. Xing, Y. Wang, Z. Liu, K. Di, B. Teng, X. Mao, Q. Zhao, X. Xin, M. Jia, 2017. A performance
    comparison of feature detectors for planetary rover mapping and localization
, 2017 International Symposium on
    Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping, 13-16 August, Hong Kong, China, PP. 149-154.

Peng, M., W. Wan, Z. Liu, K. Di, 2017. Fusion of multi-scale DEMs from descent and navcm images of Chang’e-3 using
    compressed sensing method
, 2017 International Symposium on Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping, 13-16 August,
    Hong Kong, China, PP. 119-124.

Di, K., B. Liu, M. Peng, X. Xin, M. Jia, W. Zuo, J. Ping, B. Wu, J. Oberst, 2017. An initiative for construction of
    new-generation lunar global control network using multi-mission data
, 2017 International Symposium on Planetary
    Remote Sensing and Mapping,13-16 August, Hong Kong, China, PP. 29-34.

Yue, Z., S. Gou, K. Di, H. Xie, H. Gong, Y. Shao, 2017. An investigation of the hypotheses for formation of the
    Platy-Ridged-Polygonized terrain in elysium planitia, Mars
, 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,
    20-24 March, Woodland, USA, PP. 1770-1771.

Sun, S., K. Di, Z. Yue, J. Ping, 2017. Morphological study of impact basins of terrestrial planets based on
    spherical harmonic analysis
, 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,20-24 March,
    Woodland, USA, PP. 1772-1773.

Yue, Z., G. Michael, K. Di, J. liu, 2017. Global survey of Lunar wrinkle ridges formation times,
    48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,20-24 March, Woodland, USA, PP. 1926-1927.

Liu, B., B. Xu, K. Di, M. Jia, 2016. A solution to low fitting precision of planetrary orbiter images
    caused by exprosure time changing
,Proceedings of 23rd ISPRS Congress, Commission IV, 12-19 July,
    Prague, Czech Republic, PP. 441-448.

Di, K., B. Xu, B. Liu, M. Jia, Z. Liu, 2016. Geopositioning precision analysis of multiple image triangulation
    using LRO NAC lunar images
,Proceedings of 23rd ISPRS Congress, Commission IV, 12-19 July,
    Prague, Czech Republic, PP. 369-374.

Jin, W., H. Zhang, Y. Yuan, K. Di, W. Wan, B. Xu, B. Xue, Y. Yang, L. Xiao, Z. Wang. 2015. In-situ lunar phase
    curves extracted from imageries measured by panorama cameras onboard the TUTU rover of Chang'e 3 mission
    46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,2015.

Di, K., M. Peng, W. Wan, Z. Liu, B. Liu, Y. Liu, 2014.Topographic mapping and modeling of Chang’e-3 landing site
     using descent and ground images
,ISLPS,Macao,China,June 2014.

刘斌,邸凯昌,张鼎凯,张璐璐,刘召芹, 2014. 大视角、宽视场遥感影像几何处理方法研究,第19届中国遥感大会,西安,2014年09月.

彭嫚,邸凯昌, 2014. 基于立体视觉和明暗恢复形状方法的深空探测车影像测图,第19届中国遥感大会,西安,2014年09月.

刘召芹,邸凯昌,万文辉,彭嫚,周建亮, 2014. 基于影像的嫦娥三号巡视器定位,第19届中国遥感大会,西安,2014年09月.

Liu, Y., B. Liu, B. Xu, Z. Liu, K. Di and J. Zhou, 2014. High Precision Topographic Mapping at Chang'E-3 Landing Site
     with Multi-Source Data
,ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium, Suzhou, China, May 2014.Page(s) 157-161.

Wan, W., Z. Liu, K. Di, B. Wang, and J. Zhou, 2014. A Cross-Site Visual Localization Method for Yutu Rover,
     ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium, Suzhou, China, May 2014.Page(s) 157-161.

Sun, X., K. Wu, Y. Li, and K. Di, 2014. A ZUPT-Based Method for Astronaut Navigation on Planetary Surface
     and Performance Evaluation under Different Locomotion Patterns
,ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium,
     Suzhou, China, May 2014. Page(s) 239-242.

Di, K., Y. Liu, W. Hu, Z. Yue, Z. Liu,2013.Mars Surface Change Detection from Multi-temporal Orbital Images, 35th
     International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE35),Beijing,China,April 2013.

Zhang, C.,K. Di, Z. Liu and W. Wan,2013 .TLD Based Visual Target Tracking for Planetary Rover Exploration,IGTA2013,
    Beijing,China,April 2013.

Wan, W.,Z. Liu and K. Di,2013, A New Method for Real-Time High-Precision Planetary Rover Localization and Topographic
, IGTA2013, Beijing,China,April 2013.






Di, K., Y. Liu, B. Liu, and M. Peng, 2012. Rigorous photogrammetric processing of Chang'E-1 and Chang'E-2 stereo
    imagery for lunar topographic mapping
, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial
    Information Sciences, Vol. 39, Part 4, 22nd ISPRS Congress, Melbourne, Australia,Aug. 25- Sep. 1.

Di, K., J. Liang, and Z. Liu, 2011. Construction of a 3D Measurable Virtual Reality Environment Based On Ground
    Panoramic Images and Orbital Imagery for Planetary Exploration Applications, International Achieves of the
    Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. 38, Part 4/W25, ISPRS Workshop on Geospatial
    Data Infrastructure: from data acquisition and updating to smarter services, Guilin China, October 20-21.

Liu, Y., and K. Di, 2011. Evaluation of Rational Function Model for Geometric Modeling of Chang’E-1 CCD Images,
    International Achieves of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. 38, Part
    4/W25,ISPRS Workshop on Geospatial Data Infrastructure: from data acquisition and updating to smarter services,
    Guilin China, October 20-21.

Hu, W., Z. Yue, K. Di, 2011. Crossover Analysis of Chang’E-1 Laser Altimeter Data, International Achieves of the
    Photogrammetry,Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. 38, Part 4/W25, ISPRS Workshop on Geospatial
    Data Infrastructure: from data acquisition and updating to smarter services, Guilin China, October 20-21.


Di, K., K. Wu, Z. Liu, W. Wan, Z. Di, G. Li, 2011. A Fast Topographic Mapping System Based On Panoramic Vision for
    Near Region Terrain Correction in Regional Gravity Survey, 32nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS2011),
    Taipei, Taiwan, October 3-7.
Peng, M.,Y. Liu, Z. Liu and K. Di, 2011. Global Image Matching Based On Feature Point Constrained Markov Random
    Field Model for Planetary Mapping
, 32 nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS2011), Taipei , Taiwan ,
    October 3-7.

Di, K., Z. Yue, M. Peng and Z. Liu, 2010. Co-registration of CHANG'E-1 stereo images and laser altimeter data for
    3D mapping of lunar surface
, ASPRS/CaGIS 2010 Specialty Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 15-19.


Peng, M., Z. Yue, Y. Liu,and K. Di,2010.Research on lunar and Mars orbital stereo image mapping.
    Remote Sensing of the Environment: 17th NationalSymposium on Remote Sensing of China, 2010/8/27.

Wan, W., Z. Liu,and K. Di,2010. Rover localization from long stereo image sequences using visual odometry
    based on bundle adjustment. Remote Sensing of the Environment: 17th National Symposium on Remote Sensing of

万文辉,刘召芹,邸凯昌,2010.基于序列立体影像光束法平差的探测车定位方法,17 届中国遥感大会,杭州,2010年8月.


Di, K., Z. Liu and Z. Yue, 2009. New methods for Mars rover localization based on integration of ground and orbital
    imagery, 30 th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (30ACRS2009), Beijing, October 18-23, 2009. (DVD-ROM). Best
    Paper Award in Recognition of an excellent contribution to the 30 th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing.

Di, K., and M. Peng, 2009. Wide baseline mapping for Mars rovers: accuracy analysis and automated bundle adjustment,
    ISPRS Workshop Commission IV/7 Planetary Mapping and Databases, Berlin , September 18/19, 2009.

Di, K., and Z. Yue, 2009. Autonomous rock detection from Mars Exploration Rover imagery and 3-D point cloud data,
    ISPRS Workshop Commission IV/7 Planetary Mapping and Databases, Berlin, September 18/19, 2009.

邸凯昌,2009.美国勇气号和机遇号火星车定位与制图技术综述,绕月探测工程探测数据应用研究进展论文集,北京,2009年7月 .

